Launch of USOCUT AERO 2465

Launch of USOCUT 2465 AERO
the USOCUT 2465 AERO is a modern, high-performance boron- and formaldehyde-free formulation. It is suitable for grinding applications and machining of low- and high-alloy alloys.
Liquid approved in 2024 for the SAFRAN / SNECMA PR 6300 / DASSAULT standard.
USOCUT 2465 AERO is also recommended for alloys susceptible to staining, such as Alu 5000-6000-7000 series alloys. Specially designed for all types of machining on aeronautical parts.
By using USOCUT 2465 AERO, you'll reduce the ECP - the carbon footprint of your machined part - in line with the new European legislation in force since July 19, 2024.